Base URL

List of endpoints

Trade options

This endpoint provides a list of supported fiat currencies, blockchain networks, payment channels, and transaction limits supported by Onboard. users to configure their trades.

Explanation of key properties

nameFull name of the fiat currency.
isoCodeISO 4217 code representing the currency.
symbolSymbol for the currency.
unicodeSymbolUnicode character for the currency.
logoURL to the flag or icon representing the currency.

Get trade URL

Returns the trade URL for the paramaters provided. The URL retuned in the response can then be used in a browser / web view to start an ONRAMP / OFFRAMP

See here for a full list of parameters that can be used in the URL.

Start trade

This endpoint can be used in place of Get Trade URL, which returns the trade url in JSON. Instead, the Start trade endpoint automatically resolves to the trade URL. This endpoint is best used to initiate trades within a browser or webview.

See here for a full list of parameters that can be used in the URL.

Sample mobile app integration

For mobile apps, the redirect link can be used within an embedded browser or webview component.

Get an order’s current price