This section covers SCEA interactions that alter the state of the blockchain network i.e. change a contract or balance of an account on the network.

These transactions carry a cost in gas fees, which are either borne by the dApp platform, or one/both of the transacting parties (buyer/seller).

The gas prices used here are based on a gas cost of 0.25 Gwei on the Base network, and 100 Gwei on the Ethereum network. However, gas prices on Ethereum vary widely, potentially surging up to 5x during periods of high congestion, and decreasing by 10x during low traffic.

USD prices of the assets are based on the price as at the time of this writing (April 2024), ETH is trading at around $2,962.70.

The token used for gas payment on a network is referred to as the native token, i.e. ETH is the native token on Base and Ethereum.

These values will be used throughout this section.

Transaction Points